The public role of the graphic designer

Self initiated publication

Do designers have a role in the creation of symbols for a country, a culture, an ideology or a mentality? Are they, in short, co-authors of the ‘visual text’ with which a country or a culture expresses itself? And if they are, does that make designers co-responsible, as co-authors, for what is conveyed in that ‘text’?

In ‘The public role of the graphic designer’, Anthon Beeke, Max Bruinsma, Ursula Tischner, Daniël van der Velden and Annelys de Vet, among others, comment on these questions. By means of their graphic designs, students of the Design Academy Eindhoven added their cultural commentary. In a disarming series of designs for new symbols and flags for the Netherlands, they bring their vision on what Dutch society currently means to them.

‘The Public Role of the Graphic Designer’ is a publication by Annelys de Vet in collaboration with the Design Academy Eindhoven. This book was brought out with the kind support of Design Connection Eindhoven and Drukkerij Lecturis and distributed by Nijhof&Lee booksellers.

edition 1000, 21 x 28 cm, 80 pages, september 2006

Concept and design: Annelys de Vet
Editing: Roelien Plaatsman, Annelys de Vet, Joris Visser
Texts: Dick Bakker & Joris Visser (verklaring affiches / explanation posters), Anthon Beeke, Max Bruinsma, Drs. A.B. Sakkers, Ursula Tischner, Daniël van der Velden, Annelys de Vet
Cover design: Jochem Ruijgrok, Joris Visser

Annelys de Vet